scott l.'s review of Nationwide Auto Shipping

Nationwide Auto Shipping

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Complaint Posted 2/17/2015
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NATIONWIDE AUTO SHIPPING ALL STATES AUTO SHIPPING LLC EXPRESS TRANS LLC All 3 companies are the same. When in trouble they close shop and reopen up under different company. Same owners,officers and contacts. These car were dispatched to All States Auto Shipping LLC.While in transit the driver struck a low clearance railroad overpass and destroyed two Lamborghinis, two Ferraris and did major damage to two other units that was brokered to them from other companies. This company has cost my buyer over half a million dollars because of their negligence. Also two other brokers that had units on his trailer at time of the accident had damaged units as well, in which one broker was sued over this matter. The other broker paid out of his pocket to repay the customer for their damaged unit. This company was NOT insured at time of the accident! Mr. JR Stemple from the Whitemarsh Police Department handled the investigation. At time of the accident the cardboard taped to the doors stated the truck belonged to All States Auto Shipping with a DOT#2370130 and a MC#813101. They then removed the cardboard that was taped to the doors , it revealed that the name on the doors were Nationwide Auto Shipping with a DOT#1777233 and a MC#648711. The investigator stated that there were issues in the past with the carrier in which their authority was REVOKED by the US Department of Transportation/Federal Motor Carrier Administration on December 2012. At time of the accident the carrier was cited with eight violations. After the accident we learned that the carrier had no insurance on this unit and that we would be receive any type of payment for the damaged units that was on their truck. We have tried many times to contact the carrier by phone, Certified Mail which was returned to us. Our buyers/our company lawyer have tried many times only to get no response. We did learn in October 2013 that their authority had been REVOKED by the US Department of Transportation/Federal Motor Carrier Administration again! I was doing some research again on the carrier only to find out that they had opened up shop again under a new name of Express Trans LLC with a new Dot#2429395 and a MC# 837335. Please remember we have all the supporting documents to support these facts and are available to you anytime! We are also sending this to the FMCSA for their review.
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