Birth Parent Search - Success!
Thank you OmniTrace and Chris! I embarked on my search nearly a year ago (January 2014) with OmniTrace and after 4 months Chris confirmed that he had a match for my birth mother and her siblings. After meeting with my birth mother, she provided the name of my birth father and again once I provided that info to Chris he was back to me in a matter of minutes with the information on my birth father and his brother. The 4 months was tough to wait, but after 47 years I can understand what was needed to conduct a search like this. The reconnection with my birth mother has been great, and she was surprised with how much I knew about her after this search. She was intending to begin searching but just was not sure how to go about it. Glad I beat her to the punch and I am fortunate that my birth mother and I now keep in regular communication. I am still weighing on reconnecting with my birth father as he was not really in the picture once he found out my birth mother was pregnant…and I know Chris is there if I need assistance with this contact. Thank you OmniTrace and thank you Chris! Great job!!