steve w.'s review of Synergy Remodeling, Inc.

Synergy Remodeling, Inc.

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 9/20/2010
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Review 9/20/2010
Well I don’t really like dealing with Contractors since all my past projects involving one ended up on a bad note in one way or another. I consider myself quite the handyman but unfortunately with some things I need help, this time it was Roofing. you see half of my garage roof is exposed to the sun for most hours of the day and Living in the San Fernando Valley means that it was actually getting "baked" all day long to a point that half of the roof was starting to disintegrate so before we hit winter I decided to get someone to replace those old shingles ,I called several contractors and got bids from 4 of them and decided to go with a company called Synergy Remodeling Inc ,I have to say this is the first time I actually get along with a contractor and not only that I am very happy with the work ,the whole process took 2 DAYS!!! from start to finish 2 DAYS!!! I couldn't’t believe it and when they finished it was like they were never here they cleaned everything took their big Dumpster with them and left nothing behind.
if this is something that I would had started as one of my "Weekend Projects" I truly believe I would had finished it just around the 2011 winter...
Why then 4 stars you ask? Well I felt that everything was going a bit too fast for my taste and I think that if they were taking it a bit slower to a point where I was a bit more involved I would had given them 5 stars,but that's just me.
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