William C.'s review of U S Telecom

U S Telecom

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 9/21/2011
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Review 9/21/2011
Today 9/21/11 our company received a statement for $175 claimed to be owed for over 30 days from this company we have no knowlege of, we only pay from invoices and statements are generally just tossed. For some reason accounting looked more closely at this because they were not in out database of suppliers/vendors. We have forwarded copies with associated FRAUD complaints to both the FTC and the US Postal Inspector's Office as the relevant entities that investigate this kind of FRAUD. While this is no Nigerian Prince Scam it can even be worse because they are praying on the fact that many companies will pay small or insignificant amounts on official looking bills or statements which causes those companies to be entered into the payment databases of the victim companies... which generally will only cause them to start getting similar bills on a monthly basis. I might also add that we sent copies of the complaint to the Postal Inspector's Office that covers Ontario California where the alledged company is and to the Ontario Police Dept and the District Attorney's Fraud unit for the area as well. May generate no action but if only one of these entities starts an investigation the others will fall in to place and my guess is someone will get to see the decor of the old "Grey Bar Hotel" (3 hots and a cot).... I would encorage everyone here to file the same complaint to the same folks to lite the blowtorch of retribution do your own internet search and you will find complaint sites with hundreds of similar complaints regarding this FRAUDLENT BILLING SCAM from this company at this address.....Phone number is a dead drop no answer no return calls
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Hours   Phone   (800) 818-9777 Address   305 North Sacramento Avenue
Ontario, CA 91764
Website   http://www.ustdevelopment.com Email   dbell@ustdev.com
Contact   David Bell Other  
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