The will break your stuff, over charge you and shrug their shoulders... DON'T HIRE THEM!!!
These guys are crooks! The estimate low and then nail you. They confuse you with tons and tons of paperwork, use way, way to much tape on your pack up, don't listen to your instructions on how you want your things handled and then deliberately go against what you say and break your furniture. All they do is shrug their shoulders at you and later their claims department will offer you $.60 per lb ($90) in damages when the estimate to fix what they did came in at $600. There were 2 other pieces of furniture broken that they didn't care about either and the claims department told me I was sh!t out if luck on those. Both pieces were bought less than 6 weeks prior but oh we'll because according to them it's pressed wood and that's what happens in transit. Nevermind they admitted to wrapping the bookshelf with the shelves intact and the guy picked the bed frame piece up in front of me and cracked it in half, but yep... oh well!?!?? Don't use them!!! Buyer beware!