Review 11/17/2009
A word of advise this company is a fraud company. Product does not work at all. I ordered their product because the info-commercial sound good and the way they presented the product was good. Well, after trying the product a week and consulting with a dermatologist we try the product and the only thing I got was nothing. The product did not work at all. I only have few lines and should do the trick but what did was more wrinkles and I only use less than a drop like they say a little goes long way. That was not true. 7 days after I got the product I email Youthology and no answer to my email. Again 1 week later I email again and because I told them I will sue them if they did not answer, then is when I had an answer. They sent me and RA number to return the product. Which I did right away. I am located here in California. After that they charged my account the other 39.98. I called them and waited for almost 1 hr 42 minutes as per my cell phone records and finally a person came to the phone and told me that they will return my money after 30-60 days. I got very upset and right away I contacted the BBB and file a complaint. That was last week. BBB answered me back telling me that yesterday they sent the complaint to the company and guess what. I got my money back today into my account. I know I got the money back so fast because thank you to the BBB if not I think I will never received my money.